ArticlesHow to improve your advertising
Photo of a woman smiling while talking on her mobile phone


How to improve your advertising


First thing you need to know is that a Phoneword can be simply be added to your existing number so the transition of implementing your Phoneword into advertising can work seamlessly. We suggest you start by replacing your old contact number with your new Phoneword. You may have a specific marketing campaign where you wish to measure results and is very effective for business to accurately value the return on investment.

Planning, is key when organising advertising campaigns. Try to visualise the advertising from a customers perspective. Placement of your Phoneword will also be effective if you have researched your target audience well and use it to your advantage. Be consistent as this becomes more effective over longer periods of time. Think strategically and make your Phoneword stand out by placing it in the right space. Make your Phoneword grow with your business!

How to present your Phoneword visually

Presenting your Phoneword visually

If the phone number is to be included with the Phoneword, the number should be written in full and placed directly below or to the right of the word. Over dial digits should not be included. Phonewords should appear in all caps, no dashes, with a space between the 1300 and the word.

Phoneword marketing tips for new business

Marketing plays an important role in every business:

How and where to use your Phoneword should be considered and documented within the business’s Marketing Plan. Incorporating “How and Where” to use your Phoneword at the planning stage ensures consistent and effective use of the Phoneword which will enable it to deliver the best results possible to your business. To support your marketing plan a simple communication strategy plan should be developed, this will involve:

  • Defining the goals and objectives for the communication plan.
  • Identifying and defining your target audience.
  • Defining your marketing message.
  • Identifying the media channels for distribution of your marketing message.

You will want to create an “identity” for your business; this is about your brand. To help ensure consistency of the brand a guideline should be produced that determines how the “Brand” is to be presented. This guideline should also address where the Phoneword is to be displayed and its look and placement with other corporate imagery.

The first step to effectively incorporating your new Phoneword into the business is to replace all old existing numbers with the Phoneword. Then roll out the Phoneword across all appropriate advertising campaigns.

For further information see the Australian Business How to Guides for Marketing Planning.

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